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The project is addressed to the students of six partner schools (from Italy, Lithuania, Greece, Croatia, Turkey, Spain) carrying out the first year of their Erasmus+ KA229 project entitled “Art & Literature in Education’s Nature! Is it an A.Li.E.N.?”. It is an interdisciplinary project focusing on both Literature and Arts education and its positive impact on the three subsets of “skills for innovation”: technical skills; skills in thinking and creativity; behavioral and social skills. During the 1st coronavirus period the TwinSpace was the shared classroom where the students of the six schools met and worked together, while waiting for the meetings on site. So, the teams’ activities on Twinspace included integration and team building while aiming at disseminating the project’s results.


Enjoy the lovely material produced by our students and the wonderful cooperation of our teachers groups using the PAGES link


We were awarded 10 Quality Labels for this Project!