This is a project that carries out the second year of the Erasmus+ project KA229 entitled “Art & Literature in Education’s Nature! Is it an A.L.I.E.N?” The project involves students of six partner schools from Italy, Lithuania, Greece, Croatia, Turkey, Spain. The main themes are Art and Literature and it focuses on the impact that the approach to Art and Literature can have on the development of student’s skills, creativity, and teaching innovation. It also gives students the opportunity to stay in touch and work collaboratively in order to share emotions and feelings with peers during this hard period of pandemics and at the same time to become more aware of our common roots. Throughout the school year, students from the different schools will work together waiting for the meetings on-site while the partner teachers will share ideas and plan outcomes. The TwinSpace will represent the shared classroom also for the blended mobilities and the way to disseminate the results of the project
- This 2nd year eTwinning project hosted our first 3 LTTAs to Turkey, Croatia and Greece!
- Click on each and every page of this project and join our great Erasmus adventure!
- Students and teachers were:
reading books using our Virtual Erasmus Library
celebrating EDL and Erasmus Days
getting art in all partner countries mixed and explored
disseminating meaningful project results
We were awarded 7 Quality Labels for this Project!