We are all experienced and full of enthusiasm schools with a serious eTwinning and Erasmus footprint so far. Our school and local communities are looking forward to this project with great interest.
The partners of the project: each school presents itself!
GYMNASIO MYGDONIAS - Coordinating school
Our state secondary school with 255 pupils (12 to 15y.) and 26 teachers follows the official curriculum given by the Ministry of Education. English, French and German are taught in our school as foreign languages and students participate, with distinctions, in competitions in Maths, Literature, Theatre, Rhetorical Games and sports events. Inclusive Teaching Support Programs have been implemented to support students facing learning disabilities. Thanks to our teachers’ experience and passion, various programs (cultural, environmental, health education, ecomobility) are implemented, raising awareness of both students and the local community on crucial social and civic issues. We have been awarded prizes for participating in national competitions and events of cultural interest (Ecomobility, International Theater Festival at Dion Ancient Theater and Cultural festivals). It is worth mentioning our drama productions in theatres of Thessaloniki, as well as the production of three films (www.erasmusedu-tools.com). Our teachers have been speakers at University and eTwinning conferences and have organized Erasmus Diffusion Events. Activities (on-site projects in major museums, the European Parliament) have been carried out abroad (Strasbourg, Brussels, Rome, Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Northern Italy, Heidelberg, Nuremberg, Barcelona) within the framework of Cultural programs and Erasmus/eTwinning mobility plans. We use a variety of innovative classroom management strategies focusing on the involvement of the uninvolved: students are regularly prompted to be creators (poets, prose writers, journalists, cinematographers).

We are a well-known Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary school from Istanbul. We have 480 students on roll (age level 4-13) and 30 teachers and 3 school administrators. Our students speak English and Spanish fluently which are taught as a second language. We also enforce literature-based learning amongst other curricula like STEM which makes technology an important part of our learning process. Students are also active in extra-curricular activities through social clubs such as drama, robotics and maker, mathematics, science and technology, folk dance, chess and mind games, environment, cinema, photography and outdoor sports, fine arts, debate and philosophy, sports and aviation, clubs, etc. Our school up until now has upheld our cultural background as much as we have embraced scientific and innovative approaches for our students giving them a sense of culture and values. We took part in last year’s Model United Nations (MUN) projects where we deliberated on the theme SUSTAINABILITY in various countries around the world. Our students won the following awards; Best delegate, Best position paper.

Vilniaus Gabijos Gimnazija
There are three schools under one roof: primary, lower secondary school ( basic ) and gymnasium. Every year about one and a half thousand pupils attend school. The mission of the school is to provide qualitative and consistent secondary education as well as miscellanious extracurricular activities. We believe intercultural dialogue using digital tools will help our students to improve their social and emotional, critical thinking skills. We are a team of three teachers: two of us teach Lithuanian language and literature, one English language and literature. The school participates in different kinds of both state and international projects. Almost every teacher has been involved in this type of work. There have been students and teachers‘ exchange programmes with Denmark, Germany, Sweden and Russia. Gabija gymnasium participated in Comenius Multilateral School Partnership and carried on the multicultural project „The Science, Culture and Economics of Europe’s Land“ together with 12 countries partners the UK, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Germany, Romania, Norway, Czeck Republic, Bulgaria. For a few years in turn ( from 2008 to 2012) our school had a close relationship with some North America state schools having video discussions based on democracy in education. The USA Vilnius Embassy was very helpful to facilitate our video meetings. Also our students participated in some IEARN (International Education and Resource Network) projects. We showed the world the heritage of Old Vilnius certified by UNESCO and our students created a short film of a unique time in 2012 what we were busy with at 12 minute 12 hour on 12 day 12 month. The agreement of the latest international project of the partnership with Herning gymnasium in Denmark for the year 2016 – 2017 was signed in March 2016. The project is aimed at the students of both countries to exchange information in English about the most important political and historical issues using modern technologies, to raise political awareness discussing the urgent problems in the world.

Osnovna skola Podmurvice
In Primary/elementary school Podmurvice students are educated from 1st to 8th grade or the ages 7 to 15. The motto of our school is “Give a smile – share the happiness”. The School has 377 students and employs 45 teachers from a total of 60 employees. Classes are organized in the morning shift, and in the afternoon, students can choose one of the many extracurricular activities. We proudly mention the possibility of learning four foreign languages: English, Italian, German and French. Our students can attend Catholic and Islamic religious education. We realize superior results at the national level and participated with our students in regional and national competitions in reading. So far, we have worked passionately on various educational programs such as environmental, health programs and e-twinning programs. As a result, we feel confident that we have the necessary experience and knowledge of the field to support this project. It has always been our wish to work with students from other countries sharing the same interests and ideas in order to improve their language competence. Teachers, working in the school, are open-minded and creative. They use all the possibilities to acquire new methods and learning tools to make teaching-learning process more efficient and motivating. The main coordinator will be an Croatian Language and Literature teacher and librarian for more than 25 years of experience. Involved in three EU grants projects. The Agency for Mobility and EU programs has given the school financial support for Comenius Multilateral School Partnerships action. The project titled „Smiling through Europe“, lasted for two years from 2012-2014 with the participation of eight European countries: Romania, Germany, Turkey, France, Spain, Portugal and Wales. From 2013 to 2015 we signed a contract for three grants of the European Social Fund – IPA IV, Components – Integration of students in a multicultural school environment. Our third international Erasmus project was KA2 „Environment surrounding us as a challenge and responsibility“ which we did with six countries: Spain, Czech, Poland, Turkey, Latvia and Greece. In the end, our city of Rijeka has been awarded the prestigious title of European Capital of Culture 2020 for its program Port of Diversity, which aims to create a city of culture and creativity for Europe and the future. In 2020, during the Croatian EU Presidency, Rijeka, as the largest Croatian port, will become the center of a significant and extensive culture and arts programs and the host city for the best and most interesting artists from the global.

Istituto di Istruzione Superiore don Lorenzo Milani
Gragnano is a town located mid-way between Naples and Sorrento, well known all over the world for its pasta factories and wine. Our school is attended by a large number of students (1570) – 14/19 years old – resident or coming from the little towns nearby Gragnano, as we can offer a complete range of courses: Liceo Scientifico, Liceo delle Scienze Umane, Istituto Tecnico. The school has got two separate buildings with ITC , Science and Language labs, a well equipped gym and a library.In the old building there is a well equipped drama room,too.We are a large community of teachers and management people(about 160), all sharing the same mission as an eTwinning School.As in Gragnano there are few cultural stimuli, our school has always aimed at improving the teaching quality and preparing students to face with different realities in order to ease the transition from education into the labour market thanks to the acquisition of formal and informal skills, to support possible working mobility in Europe. A lot of activities have been organized over the years to achieve these objectives, such as projects aiming at the development of civic competences and of active citizenship ( mainly in eTwinning projects), developing class exchange projects and individual mobility projects in Europe with the support of the local communities or working with European partners by eTwinning/Erasmus, awarded with EQL and National Prices.Considering that the latest innovation in methodology and the 21st century challenges require more and more specialized professionalism both in terms of educational competences and in terms of foreign language competences, our school has planned to motivate students in the use of a foreign language to express their everyday experiences thanks to the relationships – in presence and online- with peers. Moreover they are engaged in extracurricular language classes to get their language level Certificate in English, French and German, according to their school curricula.Some students assessed and diagnosed as having special educational needs, are supported by specialized teachers to improve their conditions.We think that involving our students from the I and II classes ( which means from the very beginning of their high education) in this Erasmus project will give them the opportunity to acquire a stronger democratic and collaborative attitude as European citizens.