A Story Harvesting Art Erasmus festival!” Tell me your country’s stories!- S.H.AR.E. festival!
Our 3rd Mobility was a combination of a festival event and Art&Literature orientated cultural and educational activities. A cinema-theatre in Thessaloniki city centre hosted this Erasmus event, in which local authorities, representatives of the authorities of education , parents and students from Thessaloniki were invited. The programme of the event was arranged via the Twinspace and each partner country chose the best way to participate and contribute in this multi-national Erasmus A.Li.E.N. event: each partner school was invited to think of one of their country’s stories or folk tales – a beloved story, a story that we all wish to share with our partners as part of our National Oral Literature. Thus we all presented a piece of national/folk literature (i.e. traditional poems, songs, folk tales, emblematic stories) in an artful way (storytelling presentations, ppts, film or drama productions) Our invited storyteller from Scotland, Mr T.Porteus made a presentation: a creative mixture of oral literature pieces of work to emphasize on the common and diverse element, whereas one day before he hold a two hour storytelling workshop for teachers and students. Content of the training event: to introduce students and teachers the magic power of storytelling and get everyone understand the importance of storytelling at school and everyday life (on stage activities, trying out storytelling, discussion, Q&A session)
- Warm up activities- public speaking mini sessions
- Welcoming by our Mayor in the Municipality Town Hall
- Cultural visits-Museums- MOMus
- Two “Art Books synthesis” at the Momus Contemporary Art Thessaloniki
- Poetry presentation activity in the shadow of the White Tower: every partner school recited a poem in their language- before the presentation we all were to choose a poem and post it with its title and writer in your language on the Linoit board on our Twinspace Greek mobility main Page.
- A photo contest “Freeze the frame by taking a picture”
- A team of chief editors and redactors, teachers & students created a new Webmagazine.
- An “e-M.D.M. bank” activity on the Twinspace
- A cultural excursion at Vergina ancient Macedonian archaeological site: emphasizing on the pieces of art decorations on the Macedonian Tombs and focusing to encouraging students to get directly involved with the exhibits/atrefacts
Participants were students, teachers and parents of hosting school and teachers and students from 4 partner schools. All activities that took place were highly integrated with our normal school activities and highlighted aspects of all 5 schools’ everyday life by emphasizng on subjects taught at our schools.
METHODOLOGY: Student centered approach, inquiry based and cooperative learning, tailoring instruction to meet individual student needs (inclusive education methodology). Project-Based and game-based learning with challenging activities. Museum and gallery pedagogic strategies. Experiential education learning.