Experience Istanbul: Home of Arts and Literature
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Our 1st Mobility covered a rich selection of arts and literature activities that the city of Istanbul offers.
Activity 1: Welcome and warm-up activities (EXPO BOX) and orienteering around the school and neighborhood. EXPO BOX: Students were given cards on which they wrote their expectations on this Exchange program. They put them into a box called EXPO BOX. On the last day of the program we compared and saw if their expectations were met (feedback activity) This activity was also virtual on Padlet.
Activity 2: Reviewing a book written by a Turkish author. Writing a letter or preparing a blog post about the book. (Virtual on Zoom) Q&A activity about the book.Use Twinspace for sharings about the book and the author. Kahoot games activity.
Activity 3: Art pillar- Turkish Music Concert (Virtual on Zoom)
Activity 4: Art pillar- “Ebru Art” Workshop about painting on water. Ebru Sanat/Marbling art: students learnt about a famous art called Ebru Sanat, painting on water during a session led by an expert in arts.Students made their own Ebru paintings.Paintings were selected and a scrabbled cooperative poem was created by students- Literature , creative writing pillar. Activity 5:Workshop on literature and art.
Activity 5: “Art and the city” – Visits to important arts venues were done: Naval Museum (it contains an important collection of military artifacts pertaining to the Ottoman Navy), Hagia Sofia (study of architecture and the mosaics), Byzantine Hippodrome, Topkapi palace, Basilica Cistern. Activity 6: Aşiyan Museum(the house of the famous Turkish poet Tevfik Fikret at Aşiyan neighborhood of Beşiktaş district in Istanbul. Students were given a chance to have some ideas about Turkish literature closely) Activity 7: Blind Room (a new world of art from a dark room perspective). Activity 8: Art at the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul (it houses over one million artifacts belonging various cultures)- students made their presentations.
Activity 9: Our Arts Poster. A giant inclusive poster was composed in the end: “Our Artful posters Mix!” Afterward, each school prints the “Posters Mix” and decorates the school Erasmus Corner to help to disseminate the project outcome.Each school invites neighbor school students and teachers to comment on the poster and talk about the artefacts presented by each partner country.
Activity 10: Shared activities. (online) Spanish, Italian and all partners both Virtual and onsite were meeting every day to catch up on activities completed. During these meetings up our Virtual students (Italian and Spanish Team mostly as well as students/teachers from Greece, Croatia and Lithuania) shared presentations talking about what they’ve learned from Turkish historic landmarks.
Our concrete results:
– A Blog Post
– Marbling Art pictures
– creative writing- poem
-A giant joint poster